LADY QOMASH : Shawl Bawal Printed Yang Menjadi Pujaan Wanita Bertudung Ketika Ini ! | Salam. Secara jujurnya uzu tak pernah dengar lagi jenama Lady Qomash ni tapi bila terpilih datang ke event pertama Lady Qomash, uzu tak expect lebih sangat kat Lady Qomash. Tapi ternyata Lady Qomash adalah satu jenama yang mana design shawl shawl atau bawal printed dia memang cantik-cantik ! Siyesss lah jatuh hati pandang pertama uzu dengan design Lady Qomash ni..
Korang mesti tahu kan sekarang ni shawl/bawal printed design dan jenama sendiri tengah hot dan trending so macam-macam butik jual tudung design sendiri. Banyak koleksi yang cantik-cantik, design bunga-bunga la yang tengah menjadi perhatian ramai..Awrrrrrr uzu mmg suka shawl yang jenis pastel colour, yang jenis floral, pinky pink awrrr fengsan uzu wei lagi-lagi tengok design shawl Lady Qomash ni haa..
Sabtu lalu, ada 5 blogger dijemput tuk agent preview dan fashion show koleksi-koleksi Lady Qomash yang mana ini adalah event pertama diorang so tahniah diucapkan !!
Blogger registeration .
Meja dipenuhi dengan koleksi-koleksi Lady Qomash :)
Ucapan perasmian , pengenalan brand dan matlumat yang lebih lanjut oleh pelukis/artist yang design sendiri koleksi-koleksi Lady Qomash iaitu owner Lady Qomash sendiri, Puan Liyana :) Comel je orangnye hehe ^^v
"Liyana Ahmad Zaini, aka The Artist, was born in the cool late 80's generation and has been drawing since the age of 3. She completed her Diploma in Arts & Illustration from The One Academy in 2010 and graduated with Bachelor in Illustration and Animation from University of the
West of England in Bristol, UK in 2012.
In 2010, she forayed into the art world by opening an Art Gallery in Kuala Lumpur’s hip and urban community, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail. In 2014, her experience working for one of the world’s most prestigious Islamic financing house helped increase her curiosity in the entrepreneurship
world. She also painted a mural for their branch in Kelantan, once again merging her passion of arts into her work."
The Brand.
Established in 2015, the vision behind Lady Qomash is to be the House of Arts, by becoming a platform to showcase The Artist's design visions through fashion. Lady Qomash is one the pioneers to produce apparels where all the prints were painstakingly hand-drawn by The Artist, before being digital scanned and printed. All of Lady Qomash pieces are of the highest quality, representing The Artist's true passion and works, and delivering premium pieces to all Lady Qomash fans.
Acara seterusnya ialah fashion show atau pun model's catwalk memperagakan koleksi-koleksi bawal dan shawl printed Lady Qomash .
Acara seterusnya ialah fashion show atau pun model's catwalk memperagakan koleksi-koleksi bawal dan shawl printed Lady Qomash .
Hydrangea Blue
Hydrangea Pink
Khatijah Black
Khatijah Mint
Khatijah Rose
Di bawah adalah gambar details beserta info dan harga setiap shawl dan tudung daripada lady Qomash. Semoga ada yang berkenan :)
- Bawal/ square shape, 110cm x 110cm
- 100% polysilk
- Retail price: RM 110
-Comes with exclusive black Lady Qomash box
- Wide rectangle shawl, 180 cm x 160 cm
- 100% polysilk
- Retail price: RM 90
- Comes with exclusive black Lady Qomash box
Haaa antara koleksi yang uzu suka sangat ialah Khatijah Rose ni haa. Memandangkan gambar uzu tak berapa nak terang sebab guna iphone je masa fashion show tu .. Uzu bagi gambar jelas kat bawah ye..
Amacam tengok gambar-gambar kat atas ni? Letop tak? Goyang tak dompet korang ? Hahahaha kalau uzu dah lama goyang beb.. Arghhhhh jatuh cinta omaigadd.. Hehehe.
So lepas fashion show ada Q & A , tutorial shawl , ada contest best styling yang hadiah contest boleh gegar jantung tengok, barangan Sephora bernilai RM300, RM200 dan RM100.. Aish nasib baik lah dia minta 3 org.. Uzu dah nak bangun dahh tapi segan seikit hahahaha..
Tutorial Styling

Contest Best Styling with Lady Qomash collection
Apa yang best kat event ni, agent preview.. Macam mana jadi agent? Berapa % keuntungan jadi agen Lady Qomash, apa benefit yang dapat? Haaa dengar dengar ada sapa top seller tu dapat g trip negara-negara asean.. Wahhh sonok lah kan jadi ageng Lady Qomash ni?? Yang berminat nak jadi agen tu boleh contact info kat bawah ye. Hehehe..
Meriahh blogger dapat tudung free :p
Btw, apa yang uzu tengok, material shawl mahupun bawal memang nampak mahal so berbaloi lah dengan harga.. Kalau ikutkan shawl ni sangat-sangat exclusve siap ada packagin yg comel !! Ohmaigaddd.. Bilaa ada kotak macam ni, nampak tersangat exclusive.. Aumm i like.. UZu tak buang kotak dia.. Leh simpan mekap heheheh..

Antara blogger-blogger yang hadir..
So korang kalau yang berminat nak beli, nak jadi agen ke boleh tengok contact info kat bawah ye. Boleh lah skodeng-skodeng social media mahupun webiste kat bawah.. Ushaa ushaa tu jangan lupa beli sekali ok :) Salam..
Join the growing Lady Qomash Team
○ Anyone can join - housewives, students and even full-time working reps
○ Very simple process where our agent market and sell our product on our behalf
○ We will process the fulfilment, packaging and delivery
○ No registration fee, no capital start up needed and no stock purchases!
○ Interested parties can e-mail their full name, handphone number, mailing address, instagram, e-mail
address and dropship experience (if any) to with email subject, “Interested To Become LQ Agent”
Info Lanjut
Email :
WA: +6011-2175 091
Selfie of the day dengan shawl lady qomash :)